The argument
against breed specific legislation.
As we advance
as a society, embracing compassion along the way must be part of the path
forward. This of course includes the way in which we treat and respect the
animal kingdom, value of live, living conditions, general treatment, future
legislation and educational advancements.
in general have come to value the positive role that companion animals play in
our lives. However there is a persistent gap between the community’s desire to
live alongside animals and its understanding of how to properly interact with
Education is
an important step in ensuring safety for people and animals, rather than a
strict legislative agenda that is ignorant of professional advice, and that
includes breed specific legislation.
Australian veterinary association and indeed the same groups in England, Canada
and the US, have all recognised that BS legislative approaches have been a
Dog attacks
on humans, other companion animals, livestock and wildlife in Australia are
to other developed countries, in terms of available data, so the very fact most
of the experts in animal welfare in all these countries are against BSL, must
be heard by our political representatives.
Some breeds
of dogs receive more media attention when attacks take place, even though the
frequency of attacks by these breeds may be small in numbers, this fact alone
has manipulated public concerns.
For many
years countries including Australia have attempted to regulate certain breeds
in an attempt to reduce the frequency of dog bites, rather than invest in
education or act in a more equitable manner by basing their approach on the
identification of individual potentially dangerous animals.
Test cases
from all over the world have also been very clear, that when tested for natural
aggression, breed alone has had no influence, this point alone should deter
such an uneducated approach to the reduction of dog bites in Australia.
If our
legislative agenda took a similar approach to bad human behaviour, there would
be uproar, because we have come far enough as a society to judge people on their
actions, the same equity must apply to all legislative advancements in animal welfare reforms.
In Australia
between 70 and 80% of dog bites occur in the domestic environment, yet media
reporting tends to lean towards animals at large, so when considering the best
way forward education and training will have a greater effect than BS bans.
In most domestic
situations it is less likely that reports will be made, where as in the public
domain most indeed will be, so the reported facts and figures are not a true
indicator of incidents let alone supportive of BSL.
When one
studies the causes of dog bites, most of the victims are children and young
adults, and in the most it is the behaviour of the human not the animal that
cause the incidence to occur, so education is not just about how to handle and
train a companion animal, but teaching our children how to interact with them.
“A child’s
natural behaviour, including running, yelling, grabbing, hitting, quick and
movements, and maintaining eye contact, put them at risk for dog bite injuries.
Children also have a habit of having their face too close to the dog, which
also increases the risk of facial injuries and more severe trauma.
There are
many reasons to stand against BS legislation;
* Firstly,
breed on its own is not an effective indicator or predictor of aggression in Dog’s.
* It is not
possible to precisely determine the breed of the types of dogs
targeted by breed-specific legislation by appearance or by DNA
* The number
of animals that would need to be removed from a community to have a
meaningful impact on hospital admissions is so high that the removal of any one breed
have negligible impact.
* Breed-specific
legislation ignores the human element whereby dog owners who desire that kind of dog will simply substitute another breed of dog of similar size, strength
and perception of aggressive tendencies.
* The size or
build of a dog has no correlation to aggressive behaviour.
* Most dog bites are the result of the actions of the human component.
* And finally it is not a compassionate nor equitable approach.
Jack Russell terriers
and German Sheppard’s head the list of reported dog bites, yet they have yet to make the list, while breed specific
legislation takes the approach of what damage a dog may do if indeed it does bite,
a very uneducated one at that.
So it is a
well known fact that the kind of people that prefer larger breeds of dogs that
they perceive to be aggressive in nature, will still find a way to achieve
their goals, regardless of any proposed breed specific legislation.
Animal bites are more so based on the animals training, social surroundings and
indeed the behaviour of the human involved, so education is the key, not ill
thought legislative agenda.
So the
saying “Judge the deed not the breed” is definitely well said, but just maybe
it is the lack of education and short falls in regards to the responsibility of
parents and animal owners that should be put under the microscope.