Labor attack motorcyclists hip pockets once again
The state Labor government are about to rip of
170,000 motorbike riders in South Australia, says Mark Aldridge Independent
candidate and motorcycle enthusiast.
government-imposed safety levy that could almost double Motorcyclists annual
licence fees, is highway robbery, we use less space, less fuel, we emit less
pollution, yet we already pay premium registrations, now we are to be hit even
harder, one has to question the motives of the government.
move is nothing but a ploy to cut the number of riders on our roads, and I
doubt any funding raised must be spent exclusively on motorcycle safety
initiatives “Says Mark”.
Advertiser has reported the "River Murray" style annual levy would
add $300 to a 10-year driver's licence fee of $370.
motorcycle safety levy was proposed in the South Australian Road Safety
Strategy 2011-2020 to fund road safety initiatives on "high-use motorcycle
routes", but we all know it is the result of a desperate government trying
to make up for their less than adequate financial prowess.
raising has already seen a huge increase in road traffic fines, the loss of the
protections registration labels offered, and a host of cost of living
increases, surely this move makes no sense considering one would think the
government should be promoting the use of motorcycles to lower traffic
congestion and carbon emissions, if the Federal Labor party’s position is an
honest one.
are over 160,000 motorcycle licences in SA and about 50,000 registrations so
licences is a much bigger area, which means the government make more money,
when the fact is motorcyclists are already paying more than their fare share on
registration fees alone.
move is nothing but blatant discrimination” Says Mark, it is past time the government
stopped funding their own stuff ups by attacking we the peoples hip pockets,
and looked into their own back yard for some money saving ideals, Labors added
over 1000 spin doctors in recent years, now threes a great place to considering
many South Australians motorcycling is their way of life, for others it is a
hobby or past time, either way, there are a lot of businesses who survive on
their continued licensing, a loss of licensed riders will have a flow on effect
to many other sections of the industry.
sincerely hope those independent thinkers in the legislative council deny Labor
this nasty piece of discriminative legislation, it is past time Labor learned
the meaning of the word accountability, and paid for their own stuff ups, rather
than attacking innocent motorists.
Aldridge Independent